Stereophonic, 1/755 Nicholson Street, Carlton North

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Stereophonic is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Electronics store   Home goods store  


+61 3 9380 8485

1/755 Nicholson Street, Carlton North, Victoria 3054

Establishment   Electronics store   Home goods store  

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  • Glen Warren
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    I dropped into Stereophonic to look for some new speakers. They were flat out but there was plenty of sales staff around to assist. They had time to make me a coffee (great coffee by the way) and showed me around the store. What a great store and a great concept, lots of listening rooms with a great range of equipment. Vic listened to what I was after and was able to point me towards some active ATC speakers. I got to have a good listen to these and some other speakers he suggested, in the end I drove off with the ATC's packed in the car. What a great experience and I highly recommend Stereophonic.
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Stereophonic is based in Carlton North. Full address is 1/755 Nicholson Street. Australia postal code is 3054. We invite you to visit the official website of Stereophonic . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 3 9380 8485 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Stereophonic.
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